The Latest Google Ads Update: Automatic Pause of Low-Activity Keywords

Apr 30, 2024

Optimizing Your Google Ads Strategy in the Era of Automation.

At Quantifi Media, we understand the importance of staying abreast of changes in the digital advertising landscape. As a trusted Google Partner, we strive to keep you informed about updates that could impact your campaigns. Recently, Google Ads announced a significant change that will automatically pause low-activity keywords, slated to take effect in June 2024. Here's how this update affects you and how we can help you navigate through it.

Understanding the Update

Google Ads will begin automatically pausing keywords labeled as low-activity. These keywords, found in search ad campaigns, are identified as such if they were created over 13 months ago and haven't garnered any impressions during that time.

The Rationale Behind the Change

Simplifying account management and enhancing performance are at the core of this update. With ad accounts accumulating numerous keywords over time, it's essential to focus on those that drive tangible results. By automatically pausing low-activity keywords, Google aims to streamline campaigns, enabling advertisers to concentrate on high-performing keywords that deliver meaningful outcomes.

How Quantifi Media Can Assist You

As your dedicated marketing agency and Google Partner, Quantifi Media is here to guide you through this transition:

  • Strategic Evaluation: Our team will assess the impact of this update on your campaigns, ensuring that your advertising objectives remain aligned with the evolving landscape.
  • Proactive Adjustments: We'll work closely with you to identify any paused keywords that are crucial to your campaign success. By strategically unpausing relevant keywords, we'll help you maintain campaign effectiveness while adhering to Google's guidelines.
  • Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitoring the performance of unpaused keywords is vital. Our data-driven approach allows us to analyze campaign metrics and make informed decisions to optimize performance over time.

Embracing Change for Greater Success

Change is inevitable, but it also presents an opportunity for growth and optimization. As your trusted partner, Quantifi Media is committed to helping you navigate through these changes seamlessly. Together, we can refine your Google Ads strategy, drive better results, and achieve your advertising goals.

Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

As the digital advertising landscape evolves, staying informed is paramount. Count on Quantifi Media to keep you updated on industry trends, platform changes, and best practices to ensure your campaigns remain competitive and effective.

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